The business of Knightsedge Nigeria Limited is to provide Energy Services across industries under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
In performing our operations, the following two conditions must be fulfilled:
1. Ensuring the security of personnel; and
2. Ensuring the safety of the company’s facilities and assets.
The potential risk in our environment are high; therefore KNL, together with our contractors and employees, are committed to providing a secure working environment by protecting ourselves, our assets, and our operations against risk of injury, loss or damage from criminals, hostile or malicious acts.
In line with KNL policies and directives:
- We ensure that security policies, procedures and criteria are fully designed and updated; and the means fully available to ensure security and protection for all in our business activities and all times within our company’s facilities.
- It is a duty for everybody to take advantage of these means, and to conduct themselves in a manner that would not compromise their security, the company and other people’s security.
- Security, like safety, is everybody’s business. These rules guide the implementation of this policy.
1. Respect of Laws and Regulations
In all operations, KNL Policies and Directives are in compliance with National and International Laws and Regulations.
2. Responsibilities
Every employee is responsible for managing the risks pertaining to his specific activity and to the activities of his team members at every level of company operation.
Line Managers ensure that all persons are aware of the need for constant vigilance, care and compliance with security procedures, and the necessity to report an incident or suspicion to the appropriate entity, authority or person.
Security Management defines and implements Security Policy and Objectives for the Company and communicates to personnel in all levels within the organisation.
The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer allocates sufficient resources to implement this policy.
3. Risk and Threat Evaluation Review Before the implementation of procedure, a risk and threat assessment is carried out to justify appropriate levels of security for which procedures are to be applied. The risks in each site is reviewed regularly, immediately if a situation evolves and once a year for the company.
4. Incident Analysis
Every incident and, or breach of security is reported, investigated, analysed and necessary measures including legal and/or disciplinary action taken to prevent reoccurrence.
5. Emergency Preparedness
The potentially most serious situations are identified and systematically analysed to prepare adequate emergency response procedures, appropriate personnel and material to face crisis.
6. Confidentiality
Company propriety information, including Security Document, is protected and handled in line with security procedures and company “Communications Policy”.
7. Competence of Personnel
Security personnel are properly trained and their effectiveness and knowledge regularly assessed. Security awareness and co-operation by our personnel, contractors and employees are continuously renewed.
8. Audits and Inspections
The implementation of our Security Policy is periodically checked and performance assessed during audits and internal reviews.
Williams G. Akpojevwe
Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer
13th January, 2025
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