This policy covers among other issues, rules of communication, use of company communication facilities, representation of the company in the media and other third parties, and confidentiality of company information and procedures. And it is to be adhered strictly to by all staff – permanent and contract employees, contractors, commissionaires, persons on national Youth Service, and all other long or short-term or temporary assignments in the company.
- To regulate external and internal communication, relations with the media and the use of facilities in the conduct of the company's business.
- To ensure that the company is positively and accurately represented in the media and outside world and that information is coherent and in line with company policies is effectively disseminated within the company.
- To ensure that authorised information to be released is co-ordinated centrally through company authorised channels so as to ensure proper and effective dissemination both externally and within the company.
- To ensure that sources of publications are properly defined and registered.
- To regulate the use of Computers and Telecommunications facilities for dissemination of information and data.
- To set out procedures for responding to third parties’ enquiries and for the granting of press, radio, T.V., and public interviews on matters concerning the company.
- To draw attention to the confidentiality obligation of staff.
Rules and Regulations of Print Publication and External Media Relations
- All new publications must receive the express prior written approval of the MD/CEO
- All such approved publications must clearly indicate who the editor(s) is by showing the full name(s) at the end of each publication. Any publication with an unknown author is strictly prohibited.
- All official publications meant for external circulation must be approved by the Managing Director and/or the Deputy Managing Director or his nominee to ensure conformity with company regulations.
- All official company publications, banners, flags, sign posts, bill boards, etc using the company's logo, must ensure that the logo is in the format and colours approved by the company and their display must be managed by Public Affairs except where delegated to Internal Communications.
- Departmental publications are restricted to the business activities of that department and are for internal circulation only with the approval of the Divisional/Departmental General Manager. Publications issued by the KNL shall be distributed through the Public Affairs Division.
- All company publications and press releases shall emanate from such other person or entity authorised by the Managing Director.
Media Relations
- Departments or individuals are not authorised to speak or write in the media directly or indirectly on matters concerning the Company unless so authorised by the Managing Director. The General Manager, Public Affairs, is responsible for all official contacts with the media.
- Persons authorised to grant press interviews on behalf of the Company are:
- The Managing Director or his authorised delegate
- The Deputy Managing Director
- The General Manager, Public Affairs.
- Any staff receiving any enquiry for information from the press or other third party must channel such requests to the above.
- The Public Affairs Department is the repository of Company information and publications, some of which may be delegated to Internal Communications.
- Ignorance or claimed ignorance shall not be accepted as an excuse for acts or omissions contrary to these rules. All breaches of these rules shall attract disciplinary action.
Use of Electronic Media
This refers to the use of Information Systems and Telecommunications (IST) facilities.
- IST facilities issued to any staff shall strictly be for professional use and their performance of the designated functions of that staff. The facilities include:
- E-mail, Networking, Telephone, Fax, Portable Radios and Mobile Phone, Intranet/Internet, work stations and personal computers.
- Staff are to exercise caution in the transfer of confidential information through e-mail, fax, telephone or by radio as the means do not guarantee confidentiality.
- Staff should be careful in commitments or comments sent by e-mail as these are as binding as signed letters or documents.
- It is forbidden to use company facilities to prepare unauthorised publications for either electronic or physical circulation within and outside the company. Use of IST facilities for commercial ventures, pornography, character assassination, harassment and intimidation, promotion of political and religious positions and doctrines, private undertakings or any purpose which contravenes either the code of ethics of the Company or the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is strictly forbidden. Any inappropriate usage may result in sanctions being imposed.
Sanctions for Breach
Potential sanctions include but are not limited to:
- Warning
- Suspension of Employee or Third Party
- Withdrawal of electronic or other facilities.
- Limitation of communication facilities
- Dismissal
- Termination of appointment or contract (whichever is the case)
- Legal action
In the event of any alleged violation of the policy, a committee drawn from representatives of HR, Public Affairs, IST, Legal and the Department or Division of the staff, shall meet and make recommendations on appropriate sanctions.
Williams G. Akpojevwe
Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer
13th January, 2025.
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